It's My 38th Birthday Celebration

and I Want to Help You

Learn How to Get Started Investing in Real Estate

It's My Birthday But.... I Want to Help You Get Off the Sidelines

and Into the Game!

Start Dates:


Time Commitment:

All on Your Own Timing



Are You Ready to Learn the Secrets to Invest in Real Estate or Scale Your Current Real Estate Business?

Stop Spinning Your Circles and trying to figure things out on your own.

  • Learn the FASTEST Way to Building a Winning Mindsets

  • Key Steps to Conquering Your Fears and

  • How to Find & Analyze Deals from the comforts of your home

  • The key to Working with Contractors and Managing Rehabs

  • The FASTEST Way to Build Capital for your Flips.

  • Why You DON’T Need ANY PERSONAL FUNDS to start investing in real estate.

  • The PRIVATE MONEY MODEL That ANYONE Can Duplicate, Regardless of Experience

  • ​The #1 Golden Rule for Structuring Partnerships to make it WIN- WIN Deals for all parties.

  • ​How To Structure Your Credit Report and Apply for Business and Personal Credit

  • Plus MORE!

HURRY – This Special is Only for 3 People That Are Ready To Start Taking Massive Action!

What do you receive:

  • Ex Flipper Academy Pro Course- Valued at $25,000

  • On Going Monthly Mentorship- Valued at $500 Per month-- You get 6 Months FREE

  • One on One Strategy Session- Valued $1,500 per Hour-- 2 sessions for FREE

  • REI Decoded General Admission Ticket- $500 per ticket--- 1 Ticket for FREE

Valued at--- $31,500

For My Birthday- The FIRST 3 People will receive all of this for ONLY $3,000

Click the Video to unmute.


Let’s Cut To The Chase… You want to START investing in real estate the right way. For My Birthday I am Showing you how we've been able to help hundreds of people just like you. To do that, you need three things:


Don't let your fears get the best of you. Don't let it stop you from believing in yourself and investing in yourself. Who are you listening to?... and have they succeeded doing what you are trying to do.

#2 Securing Funding

Money is all around you and sometimes you have to know the right words to speak and the right way to secure the bag.

“So, what DOES Secure the Bag mean?” How you position yourself and your business adventures determine if you are able to get private funding to do deals. People invest in the people that they like and trust not the deal, necessarily.

#3 Finding the Deal and Making a REturn

Right now, it is so important to secure the right deal and know what to do in between as you renovate it to either flip or hold as an investment property.

For My Birthday ... I don't want you guessing... I want you to know exactly what to do.

You need to know how to setup your credit report and what lenders to apply to for max funding.

Bottom line:

If nothing changes in your life, you will continue struggling to get started. If you take action NOW and sign up for Ex Flipper Academy… You will know exactly what it takes to invest in real estate and building the life you truly desire.

It's Time To Do What WINNERS Do!!


  • You had an ENDLESS supply of the capital you need to start investing- that ELIMINATES one of the biggest concerns that you are facing RIGHT NOW

  • You had investments bringing you cashflow with none of your own money tied into it -you will be able to make in your sleep money.

  • You could build your Portfolio with speed and START building generational wealth for you and your family.

  • ​You had MORE control, MORE money and MORE freedom to do the things YOU want to do in life.




They say that if you want to be successful in real estate investing, the FASTEST way is… To learn from someone who’s walked a mile in your shoes. That’s The Denmarks.

Over the past 15 years, The Denmarks' have built a multi-million-dollar portfolio without using any of their own money. The Denmarks' are excited for Ashley's Birthday to share with you how they have been able to do it.

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